When to Call a Vet
- Unable/unwilling to get up
- Hasn’t moved in over 8 hours
- Not eating for more than 24 hrs
- Hasn’t defecated/urinated in 48 hrs
- Persistent vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hrs or more
- Temperature of over 102.5
- Severe or persistent lameness
- Severe lacerations or persistent bleeding
- Blood in stool
- Seizures, spasms, or in-coordination
- Rapid breathing or distressed breathing
- Ate something that is poisonous or could cause an obstruction
- Painful abdomen
- Sudden behavior change
- Foul smell coming from any area of pig
- Discharge from vulva or prepuce
- Hasn’t delivered piglet in 4 hrs from start of labor
- Longer than 45 minutes since delivered last piglet and is still in labor
- Longer than 12 hrs since last piglet and no afterbirth